Thursday, December 3, 2009


Another comment, not mine, but I agree. Now, given what I've said about anger, I am hoping people will be able to see past the tone of this message and think about its content.

On Gay Marriage

I don't have much else to say. I know people of color at Carleton have assumed my politics are in line with the "gay agenda" because I'm white. So this is to clarify: I don't think gay marriage is all that important right now. In fact, I think marriage has its roots in Christianity and patriarchy, and if we really wanted to be promoting equality, we'd abolish all marriage! Give me civil unions. I, of course, encourage people who are religious to pursue marriage as a religious act, separate from the state. I would not want to take away anyone's choice. But I don't want mine to be limited, either.

1 comment:

  1. Amen. Let's talk about the increasing rates of HIV infection in queer men of color and throw a little more money toward prevention instead of treatment. Or really, money to both.

    I do want to get married someday (a civil union would work fine for me...I agree with what you siad about marriage and the state being separate), but I'd rather have a safe and healthy community.
