Monday, July 19, 2010

Letters I Will Never Send, Part 1

I decided to start something new on the blog, to infuse some spark into it. My thinking is that perhaps if I have different posting options, I'll be more likely to write something, anything, and actually post it online. So, this (maybe) series is titled "Letters I Will Never Send" where I'll post, you guessed it, letters I will never send to the people I address the letter to.

To start off, I decided to write a letter to Bill O'Reilly. Since I've found myself with ample amounts of free time, I thought I would try to understand important political issues from "other perspectives." Part of this project is watching Bill O'Reilly's talking points. Here's what I have to say to Bill:

Dear Bill O'Reilly,

Okay, I get it. You are a performer and it is your job to convince the laypeople to support the neo-conservative capitalist patriarchal racist ableist heterosexist transphobic ageist agenda. I don't know if you believe what you say or not, but I do know that if I say something enough times, I start thinking what I've said is true. I'm sorry if this has happened to you.

Here's the thing. I think the common person has the ability to be incredibly intelligent and you're keeping them down. When you spoon feed them shit like "organizations can't hold people accountable because bigotry is human nature," I get angry. I mean really, why can't organizations hold people accountable? Is bigotry human nature? I suppose it's an easy cop-out for you; you no longer have to be accountable for the bullshit legislation that takes away unemployment benefits for millions of people as the result of your propaganda, You no longer have to be accountable for hate crimes because, well, racism is just human nature, and those crack heads just deserved it anyway for being lazy and culturally designed to evade jobs. That's why the hard working white laborers of Amurrrika shouldn't have health insurance, because people will just take advantage of it?!

Well, let me tell you something, Bill. Fuck you. Fuck what you do to the American public. Because people will believe what's easy when the alternatives are figuring out derivatives, which even people working on Wall Street have admitted is complicated as shit, that way they can charge whatever they want. Fuck you for telling people that racism "goes both ways." That's negating years of torture, enslavement, and the legacy of genocide. Racism doesn't "go both ways," Billy. Fuck you for distorting reality through "facts," which you never cite, or if you do, they stem from what someone else on Fox News has said, because you can't prove that 50% of the crime in Arizona directly results from illegal immigration or is perpetuated by undocumented immigrants. Did you know that crime is down in Arizona? Of course you did, but that doesn't help your indoctrination project does it.

In conclusion, I see that you're a performer. I notice that your job is to amuse and provide edutainment. That's the world we live in, and the entrepreneur in me tips my hat to you, because you're very successful. But it's easy to sell people something they want: easy solutions for the short term. And I see what you really think of the average American: you think they're not smart enough to see through you. Well, Billy-O, I do, and I think they do, too. I think they do and they will as this economy continues to destroy the middle and working classes while allowing big corporations to get away with murder (consider this my obligatory BP reference). Blah blah blah blah shut up.

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