Tuesday, March 2, 2010


So it's nearing the end of the term and I'm nearing the end of my wits. I've been in a lot of conflict situations recently, which I see as the culmination of a term spent either ignoring or musing over my relationships with others at this school. I'm not surprised, but I am frustrated. I'm very tired of having the same sorts of conversations about communication, because I think everyone by now knows it should be happening.

That doesn't mean it does happen. And frankly, I am sick of being a scapegoat and outlet for the anger of others. If you're mad at me and haven't said anything, it's your fault. Even if you have said something to me, that doesn't make it my problem.

Plus, how does communication really work when there's a power difference between the two (or more) parties conversing? Are we still talking about dialogue then? What's being communicated? How safe is the communication? What happens when communication has been happening, but there's no listening involved? What if communication becomes a verbal form of wheel spinning that gets us nowhere productive because it's never translated into action? These are questions I would like answered in my conversations about communication.

Anyway, I don't want this to devolve into an angry rant. Then this blog would just turn into a new Livejournal. Please. I'm good without that.

So here are some haikus. And if you've got beef, bring it.

write only haikus
looking for another view
why is this so hard?

as it is five syllables
no wonder it's hard

I look at the chair
what a pile of bullshit
I rock back and forth

I have some bad tape
I use it; it doesn't stick
next time I'll choose rice

Squints does the butt dance
I am sitting on my bed
where is the panda?

Seriously, though. I'm looking for some nuance.


  1. re:communication
    as it is five syllables
    no wonder it's hard:

    hard face to my face
    eyes fiery and so mean
    will she kill me...speak?

  2. passive aggressive?
    how about pointed blog posts?
    examine yourself.

  3. Look, I don't know who you are, but I'm not intending to be passive aggressive, and so if you're interpreting it that way, I would really appreciate it if you would consider a face-to-face conversation with me.

    your haiku is mean
    please view me like I have needs
    I will try the same

  4. whenever we speak
    you claim that you hear me but
    i don't think that's true

    your "needs" become God
    mine are forgotten behind
    your "validation"

    we all fear your wrath
    and spurts of yelling and tears
    we just disagree

  5. Alright, if that's how you feel. I wish you the best.

  6. Hey there Laura Stone
    I'm in love with your haikus
    I hope all is well
